Friday, 13 August 2010

On Hiatus

The more astute of you will have noticed the distinct lack of action on this blog in the last few months. One or two posts of decent length aside, things have been very quiet since the end of February. Whilst I would like to keep up the same rate of activity that I had prior to that, sadly the real world has been getting in the way, and I have come to the conclusion that I need to face facts and accept that nothing's going to happen on Corinthian Spirit for a while.

The sum of all this is a vague plan to restart activity at some point in September, but no promises. It depends on work and, just as importantly, being clear in my head about what I am trying to do.

In the meantime, if you find yourself visiting this page in search of sporting discussion points, take a look at the blogs listed on the right hand side of this page, for some suggested reading.

Maybe see you in September,